
Running with the Pack Brownie - needing lots of tlc and small feeds to ensure he grows to maturity. He is 12 days old in this pic.

We went to the barn with trepidation this morning and were relieved and delighted when 5 lively lambs were there to greet us! 
2 of them are 16 days old now but because of the younger ones at 12 days, and Brownie who hasn’t the capacity for a large 250ml feed, we’re sticking with 5 feeds per day of 200ml at the moment.
All were running around as a group and kicking up their heels this afternoon. We sat on the bench with an evening beer and took in the last of the day’s sunshine. Life doesn’t get much better than this...
White face at around 14 days old, enjoying the sunshine at the HenSafe Smallholding
White Face

Lambs do not come with guarantees. Especially orphan lambs.
Enjoy life.

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