
Pigs and the Chop. Or should that be Chops?

A look at the calendar, plus a lovely chat with Andy Case in Dorset (“Starting with Pigs” – if you keep pigs then buy it, read it, read it again!) meant that our 5 pigs needed to be booked in for their Final Journey. And so started the annual ritual of persuading the pigs that the trailer is really a nice place to eat. It starts about 3 days before the event, feeding the pigs in the trailer so they get used to it being a safe and lovely place to be. Sounds easy huh? Hmmph. Past years have been fine. This year was another story… 3 in 2 out, 4 in 1 out, and each time they were different pigs! Various gates were moved to create the ideal penning solution. The Morning arrived. We had our slot at Bromham. Got up early. Donned our pig gear. In theory as soon as we open the trailer back they should all rush in expecting food and we raise the ramp behind them. Not a chance! 2 hours later and we were losing the will to live. Eventually they obliged – we have the bruises to show for it, knees against the ramp trying to get the blessed pins in to secure it.  Victory! Next year we'll be back to normal, I’m reassuring myself.
image: HenSafe pigs deciding if they like the trailer
Pigs deciding if they like the trailer

Learnings: Note to self: read Animal Farm again. Start the trailer thing earlier. At least a week earlier.

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