
Spring is Coming!

A few warm days have seen me in the polytunnel potting up some seedlings of Tomato, Aubergine and Pepper. They were all sown middle to end of February so are ready to move on now. I’m growing a few of each cultivar and splitting them between the polytunnel and the greenhouse to see which ones prefer which place. I have a hunch, based on last year, but I’m kidding myself this time it's more scientific! Pricking out and potting up is stressful for seedlings so remember to water them in well and then leave out of direct sunlight for a few hours so they can recover. I write out the labels before I start – most of mine are made of old yoghurt pots. Just cut down from the top with a pair of scissors and snip off at an angle.
Image: tomato seedlings on the HenSafe Smallholding
Tomato, Aubergine and Pepper seedlings
 Things to remember:
* Label up seedlings as you go with a waterproof pen – don’t rely on memory
* Keep seedlings of the same type in the same tray if you can
* Remember to water them…