
Turning Out the Lambs

The weather’s been nice and warm here so we’ve put the lambs out in the paddock for the day. The chickens aren’t too impressed and I expect egg production will be down a bit for a few days but it’s lovely to see the lambs bouncing around when they’re not dozing in the sunshine. 
Image: 2 week old lambs on the HenSafe Smallholding
2 week old lambs enjoying the April sunshine
* Protect the automatic chicken feeders from inquisitive lambs

The Lambs have Arrived!

We’ve just collected our week old lambs, settling them into their corner of the barn where they are all cosying up together. Nights are still cold so they have plenty of bedding and some plastic sheeting on the hurdles to keep out draughts. They’ll be on 5 feeds a day of around 150ml which will gradually increase as they grow. Of course they have names, but only to identify which ones have been fed... 86, 96, purpley, big white and little white :)
Image: Lambs on the HenSafe Smallholding
Week old Lambs on the HenSafe Smallholding

Things to remember:
* Always best to get everything ready and gather all supplies together well before you need them: feeding bottles, milk replacer, and warm bedding area to name a few. 
* And make sure the teats on the bottles haven't perished over winter.