
Fluffy Bottomed Girls

Couldn’t resist taking this photo of 2 of the girls with their heads buried in the chicken feeder. Amazingly fluffy bottoms, and somehow it looks better in black & white.

Gloucester Old Spot Piglets

Today we collected this year’s piglets. They are around 10 weeks old, all from the same litter and a cross between Gloucester Old Spot, Oxford Sandy & Black and Middle White. Looking forward to raising them over summer and watching them grow. Always good therapy to sit with a beer at the end of the day and watch piglet antics as the sun goes down...
Image: Piglets on the HenSafe Smallholding

*Remember to put the beer in the fridge

Introducing the Bucket Feeder

With 7 lambs now – Crispy and 17 added to the group – bottle feeding is becoming more of a challenge. Having invested in a bucket feeder which has 6 teats, now comes the task of introducing the lambs to it and getting them to accept colder milk. It seems to be working well but it’s important to monitor them feeding to make sure that all the lambs get their fair share. Crispy is the smallest and at the moment we are keeping him on the bottle so they’re all fed at the same time.

Image: lambs on the bucket feeder on the HenSafe smallholding
* Patience and Perseverance. Just that.