
Happy as a Pig...

image: pigs in the wallow on the HenSafe smallholding
The sun is shining and it’s hot and muggy here. Where better for a pig to be than flat out in the wallow? They have truly changed from delightful piglets into pigs with the most disgusting habits. Peeing in the wallow and then drinking from it is nothing unusual!  They are around 4.5 months old now and eating 8 or 9 scoops of pig nuts morning and evening. 
image: lambs on the HenSafe smallholding
Meanwhile the lambs are munching their way through the grass. So peaceful watching them wander round their paddock. Less inquisitive now but they do come and say hello when I’m working on the veg plot next to them. They’re starting to look like sheep now, rather than lambs, which is good. Brownie is still small, always will be, but that’s OK - he’s healthy.

Enjoy the tranquility of summer and take time to watch.
Always best to stand back when the pigs climb out of the wallow, before they start to shake the "mud" off in all directions.

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